
Are you being abused?

Someone have a spread rumour or said mean things about you in the school?

– puts you down or criticizes you?

– threatens or scares you?

– hits, slaps, pushes, or kicks you?

– controls where you go, what you wear, or what you do?

– tries to stop you from seeing or talking to friends and family?

– pressures you do to things you don’t want to do?

– tries to force you to have sexual relationship?

– threatens to “out” you or tell others about your sexual orientation or gender identity?

– questions your status as a “real” lesbian, trans person, bisexual, gay person, etc.?

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How can I help my friend that is in an abuse relationship?

If your friend go through an abusive relationship can be very scary and you may feel like you are not sure how to help them. We will help you:



Do not be afraid to reach out for help

Do not agree with her/him if try to blame the victim to support or justify the abuse.

Be supportive and listen patiently. Acknowledge their feelings and be respectful of their decisions.

Do not agree with her/him if try to blame the victim to support or justify the abuse.

Help your friend recognize that the abuse

Show them the harm and do not minimize their behaviour

Connect your friend to resources for guide and help:

  • Parent / Adult they trust

  • School Psychology or social worker

  • Hotline: 0800 40 20 / 04 22 33 408

Do not ignore the abuse. Your silence means to them accenting.

If your friend break up with the abusive partner, continue to be supportive after the relationship is over.

Connect your friend to resources for guide and help:

  • Parent / Adult that they trust

  • School Psychology or social worker

  • Hotline: 0800 40 20 / 04 22 33 408

Even when you feel like there’s nothing you can do, do not forget that by being supportive and caring, you’re already doing a lot.

Stay in touch with your friend or family member about the abuse. Be there to support the abuser over the long-term.

Do not contact their abuser or publicly post negative things about them online. It will make thing worse.

Remind them that change will create a better, healthier relationship for both partners.

Emergency Help!

If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above, your health and safety may be in danger. Please, ask for help to the following hotline:  0800 40 20 / 04 22 33 408 /116 000 or contact the Police: 129

Where to get Help for bullying for me or a friend?

If you have been bullied or witnessed others been bullied and need help contact your teachers, the school staff, the psychologist or the social workers in your school, tell your family, tell a trusted person that is older than you or call the phone number: 116.

Other Places to Get Help!
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