Get the Facts

Have a look to the data to understand the importance of creating healthy relationship among youth to prevent gender based violence in Albania. Knowledge is always the first step towards change. Learn and share the data!


of women and girls have experienced at least one form of gender based violence:

29 percent
  • experienced emotional violence 50.6% 50.6%
  • experienced psychological violence 39.1% 39.1%
  • experienced physical violence 31.2% 31.2%
  • experienced sexual violence in their marriage / relationships 12.7% 12.7%


of women that experienced domestic violence thought it also influenced their children & reported that:


their children witnessed the domestic violence


caused learning problems for their children


their children continue to live in fear


children were hurt or injured


accept attitudes and behaviour of violence’s in women


believe the should tolerate violence to keep the family together


will never intervene to stop a Gender Based Violence situation


agree that a man who does not fight where he is belittled is weak

28% men

15% women

agree that the wife is the property of the husband
29 percent
29 percent


involved in p2p violence

of youth in school have been involved in peer to peer violence.

Where the majority of the victims are girls;

and the majority of aggresors are boys.


are victims


are agresors

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